Bonds and Insurance for Arizona Contractors

Get protected with CCIS.

We've Got Contractors in the Grand Canyon State Covered

Contractors in Arizona must secure and post a Contractors License Bond to work. The bond serves as a financial guarantee that a contractor will operate its business in compliance with local laws and regulations. If the contractor violates any licensing laws, performs faulty work, or fails to meet contractual obligations, the bond provides protection to the public, ensuring there is financial recourse for affected parties.

The Arizona Registrar of Contractors (AZ ROC) regulates the state's contractors and ensures that bonds are properly in place. Arizona determines the bond limit based on the type of Contractors License and total annual revenue.

CCIS is a licensed construction bond and insurance agency, providing Arizona contractors with all types of bonds and General Liability and Workers' Compensation insurance.

Supporting Your Arizona Construction Business

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CCIS understands the needs of contractors and is well-versed in AZ ROC's bond requirements to ensure licensing compliance. With CCIS, you get fast, simple, affordable Contractor License Bonds. We have relationships with top-tier surety companies to get you the bond you need. We can also provide you with General Liability and Workers' Compensation insurance.
Residential License Bonds

Residential License Bonds

Contractors constructing or repairing any residential property must purchase a Residential General Contractor Bond or Specialty Contractor Bond.
Commercial License Bonds

Commercial License Bonds

Contractors who construct, alter, and repair any commercial property or supervise subcontractors performing work on a property must purchase a Commercial General Contractor Bond or Commercial Specialty Contractor Bond.
Dual License Bonds

Dual License Bonds

Contractors who obtain a Dual Contractor license can engage in both commercial and residential contract work for their license type (general, specialty, and engineering)
Taxpayer Contractor Bonds

Taxpayer Contractor Bonds

New contractors, out-of-state contractors without a principal business location in Arizona, certain prime contractors who have construction contracts valued at $50,000, dealers of manufactured homes, and those contractors who have been delinquent in paying Arizona taxes.
Contract Bonds: Bid, Performance & Payment

Contract Bonds: Bid, Performance & Payment

Guarantee that contractors will carry out the terms of the contract and furnish the necessary Payment and Performance bonds.
Permit Bonds

Permit Bonds

Required by a local municipality or state agency as a condition of getting a construction permit.
Subdivision or Site Improvement Bond

Subdivision or Site Improvement Bond

Developers must purchase a bond guaranteeing they will finish the required improvements (roads, utilities, etc.) within a set term, in compliance with the governing entity's requirements.
Commercial Miscellaneous Bonds

Commercial Miscellaneous Bonds

Any private or public bond that cannot be simply categorized into the other bond types.
General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance

Coverage designed to protect contractors in the event of third-party bodily injury and property damage claims.
Workers' Compensation Insurance

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Provides coverage for medical expenses and lost wages for construction employees injured on the job, as required by state law. It protects contractors from lawsuits while ensuring workers receive benefits for workplace-related injuries or illnesses.

Arizona Contractor License Classifications

The Arizona Registrar of Contractors (ROC) issues licenses based on the type of work you perform. The ROC offers four main classifications:

Residential General Contractors

Applies to contractors who oversee and manage the construction, remodeling, or repair of residential properties, ensuring compliance with Arizona laws and protecting homeowners.

Residential Specialty Contractors

Applies to contractors specializing in specific trades or services (electrical, plumbing, roofing) within residential projects, ensuring they perform their work according to industry standards and legal requirements.

Commercial General Contractors

(Includes General Engineering Contractors) For contractors who manage and oversee large-scale commercial construction projects, including infrastructure and engineering works, guaranteeing adherence to contracts and legal obligations.

Commercial Specialty Contractors

For contractors specializing in specific trades or services (HVAC, masonry, painting) within commercial construction, ensuring compliance with Arizona regulations and protecting clients from potential damages.

Download our How-to Guide on how to become a Licensed Contractor in Arizona

Arizona Contractor License Guide

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