Contracting Law Changes Beginning 2020

Contracting Law Changes Beginning 2020

With every new year comes new laws and regulations, and 2020 is no exception. As a contractor and business owner it may be difficult to keep up with the changing regulations, so here is a compiled guide, laying out the new statutes and who is affected by them.  A & B CLASSIFICATION CONTRACTORS Assembly Bill (AB)  1475: This bill changes existing law to impose a requirement for projects being performed by the Department of Transportation (DOT). This law may seem to be only con Continue Reading...

CSLB files for Emergency Regulations to immediately increase Contractor’s License Renewal Fees.

CSLB files for Emergency Regulations to immediately increase Contractor’s License Renewal Fees.

The cost for everything is increasing: housing, food, gas, you name it. If you are a contractor in the State of California, your licensing fees are also about to increase . As of December 3rd, 2019, the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) has issued a Notice of Intent to File Emergency Regulations for a 12% increase in license renewal and inactive license fees. The proposed fee increase was first mentioned back in September, when the CSLB Board held their quarterly meeting. At this mee Continue Reading...

Cash is No Longer King: CSLB Moving Away From Cash Bonds

Cash is No Longer King: CSLB Moving Away From Cash Bonds

The Contractors State License Board (“CSLB”) was initially formed in 1929 by the Department of Consumer Affairs to serve as the primary protector of consumers who found themselves in need of construction work. As such, the CSLB has the authority to put forth changes that may be made in order to better achieve their mission of public protection. In August of 2018, legislation was passed that would assist the consumer in receiving compensation for faulty or fraudulent work. A primar Continue Reading...

CSLB Partners with Community to Rebuild Paradise

CSLB Partners with Community to Rebuild Paradise

A consumer protection agency, with its role of regulating California's construction industry, the Contractor State License Board (CSLB) is responsible for protecting those whose homes and property are directly affected by California wildfires.  While the recovery operation continues in Northern California following the 2018 wildfires, there is a need for consumer protection when hiring and working with contractors, and to ensure wildfire survivors and their local agencies have the Continue Reading...

October Contractor of the Month: David Dennis

October Contractor of the Month: David Dennis

Congratulations to our October Contractor of the Month, David Dennis! David is the sole owner of Mainline Paving and Excavating, license # 1052035, located in Manteca, California. He is a newly licensed contractor this year, but has many years of experience in the industry. David decided to become a contractor for the flexibility of hours and to be in control of his income. However, it was not a walk in the park to become licensed. It takes a lot of discipline to go through the prerequisites Continue Reading...