Influencer Marketing in Construction

Influencer Marketing in Construction

Influencer marketing is not just for the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries. It’s also an innovative way to promote a construction firm’s services and completed work. Influencer marketing in construction involves contractors, builders, architects, and engineers who have built a significant social media presence sharing their expertise, projects, or product recommendations. These influencers can effectively promote construction projects, products, and services to followers w Continue Reading...

State of Construction Market

State of Construction Market

Residential Construction The residential construction market is poised for growth heading into 2025, at an increased rate of 3.4%. According to Statista, the demand for new home builds is driven by population growth, urbanization, and changing demographics. In addition, various government incentives, including affordable housing programs and tax incentives, continue to support residential construction. Remodeling and Renovations In projections from the Congressional Budget Off Continue Reading...

New California Law Requires All Contractors Have Workers’ Compensation

New California Law Requires All Contractors Have Workers’ Compensation

In 2023, California passed a law requiring all licensed contractors to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance – even if they don’t have employees. The bill, SB 216, which was signed into law in the fall of 2022, is being implemented in phases over three years and will require all licensed contractors to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance by January 2026. According to the California Contractors State Licensing Board (CSLB), the updated Workers’ Compensation re Continue Reading...

CCIS Offers New Excess Liability Insurance Program to Contractors

CCIS Offers New Excess Liability Insurance Program to Contractors

In most states, contractors are required to carry General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance to conduct business.  A General Liability policy protects you against losses from third-party bodily injury, property damage, and other claims. For example, let’s say a visitor where you are working slips and falls on an electrical wire that one of your workers left. The visitor fractures his shoulder and hand, requiring surgery. General Liability insurance will help pay fo Continue Reading...

Why LinkedIn Works for B2B Construction Marketing

Why LinkedIn Works for B2B Construction Marketing

If you’ve overlooked LinkedIn in your B2B marketing efforts, it’s time to add the platform to your strategy. Used properly, LinkedIn can be an effective lead-generation tool for construction companies. With LinkedIn, you can leverage organic posting, which is free. You can also add paid/sponsored post options, enabling you to target customers by location, title, industry, etc. Organic Content: Think About Your Strategy First Before you jump into using LinkedIn, consider Continue Reading...